Hello Dr. Kilroy,
Well, now that you mentioned it, the similarity is great. Piles of dead bodies, everywhere, and the anointed are supposed to help.
The JW book, A Grand Climax is at hand says, on P. 52, para 18.
To those Christians in Thyatira, Jesus now speaks heartwarming words. They also encourage anointed Christians today: "And to him that conquers and observes my deeds down to the end I will give authority over the nations, and he shall shepherd the people with an iron rod so that they will be broken to pieces like clay vessels, the same as I have received from my Father." Rev. 2:26,27. Indeed a wonderful privilege! This authority that anointed conquerors receive at their ressurection is a sharing with Jesus in yielding the "iron rod" of destruction against the rebellious nations at Armaggeddon. At best, the nuclear firepower of those nations will sputter like a wet firecracher when Christ dashes his enemies to pieces as he would vessels of clay.
My God, haven't they ever heard of symbolism! Geez, Jesus is the prince of peace.
Is. 11:4 NWT And he must strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the spirit of his lips he will put the wicked one to death..
Doesn't sound like piles of bloody dead bodies here. But rather, a war of words..